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Gentleman’s Grooming Guide To A Refined Look

You spend most of your free time getting that perfect gleam of polish on your car or bike, but it’s equally important that you don’t ignore your grooming regime? After all branded clothes and shoes are not the only things to bank upon in order to impress. So, time to learn a lesson or two on beauty tips for men.

With beard growth tips, how to maintain a beard, dressing style tips and everything in between, we’ve compiled a list of personal grooming tips for men that will come handy for a debonair look at all times.

Follow A Cleansing Routine

Follow A Cleansing Routine_Men's Grooming

The everyday travelling to work exposes your skin to dust and pollution all around. A daily face wash routine comprising of one in the morning and one in the evening will keep you safe from the dreaded acne breakouts and other skin problems. Men should also maintain a skin care routine diligently.  This is one of the essential grooming tips for men and also an integral beard growth tip. Follow up with a shave using nourishing shaving oil to prevent irritation caused by regular foams.

Add Haircare To Your Grooming Ritual

Add Haircare To Your Grooming Ritual_Men's Grooming

A widespread tendency among men is to overwash their hair. If you are guilty of this habit, know that it does more harm than good by stripping off the natural sebum from your scalp. One of the useful hair tips for men is to wash and condition their hair twice or thrice a week is enough to keep the scalp clean, healthy and nourished. Check one from these shampoos for gentle yet effective with cleansing.

Spritz Some For All-Day Freshness

Spritz Some For All-Day Freshness_Men's Grooming

One of most recommended and best grooming tips for guys is to use perfumes and deodorants. Your daily routine may require you to travel or meet clients through the day. Wherever you go, make it a point to smell good. Invest in a long lasting perfume of your choice. And of 2018’s trending perfumes, pick a fragrance that will take you from AM to PM.

Tidy Those Nails

Tidy Those Nails_Men's Grooming

While a lengthy manicure is something you may not prefer, ignoring rough palms and unkempt nails is an absolute no-no. When meeting people the first thing you do is shake their hand. The last things you’d want to make evident are your jagged nails and coarse palms. The best grooming tips for guys is to clip the nails often. Keep a small yet handy flacon of lotion ready when your palms feel dry.

Get That Perfect Beard

Get That Perfect Beard_Men's Grooming

Many men avoid growing facial fuzz simply because they do not know how to maintain a beard or grow it to a healthy condition. But we’ve got your back with these beard growth tips. Invest in a moisturiser or beard oil that helps in accelerating facial hair growth. Shave and trim your beard regularly to keep your ruffles in check. Browse products that are available online to help you follow these beard grooming tips. Once you are familiar with how to maintain a beard and religiously follow the beard growth tips, achieving that celebrity-style rugged look is not hard.

Dress To Impress

Dress To Impress_Men's Grooming

One of the most important male grooming tips is to pay attention to the dressing. You won’t have to invest in big brands, just dress for the occasion and you’ll be fine. If it’s a fuss-free look that you like, stock up on wardrobe staples like white shirts, smart pair of formal shoes, and blazers. For those fun, laid back days, don’t hesitate to spare some joggers, dad denim, tropical shirts, chinos, and checkered shirts!

These grooming tips for men are all you need to follow for that refined, decidedly male aura. Just remember the male grooming tipsA little care every day will go a long way. Get started by shopping for men’s grooming products and apparel online.

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